Welcome to Jụọ Ndigbo

Mmụta, Nchọputa, Asụsụ, Mgbakọ na Wepu, Ochie na Ọhụrụ

Artist impression of Igboland with huts, palm trees, breadfruit trees, mango trees, forests and people.

Igbo Tongue Twister

Nwanyị n'akwa akwa, ịn'akwa akwa, k'ịna akwa akwa na-ọkụkọ yiri akwa n'elu akwa ịn'akwa?

In English it means: The woman sewing a dress, are you sewing a dress, or are you crying because a hen laid an egg on the dress you are sewing?

Igbo Aa Bị Chị Dị

A aB bCH chD dE eF f
G gGB gbGH ghGW gwH hI i
Ị ịJ jK kKP kpKW kwL l
M mN nŃ ńNW nwNY nyO o
Ọ ọP pR rS sSH shT t
U uỤ ụV vW wY yZ z
The 36 Igbo Alphabets

Ọnwa ndi Igbo

Ọnwa Nd’IgboGregorian Equivalence
Ọnwa MbụFebruary – March
Ọnwa AbụaMarch – April
Ọnwa Ife EkeApril – May
Ọnwa AnọMay – June
Ọnwa AgwụJune – July
Ọnwa IfejiọkụJuly – August
Ọnwa Alọm chiAugust to early September
Ọnwa Ilo MmụọLate September
Ọnwa AnaOctober
Ọnwa OkikeEarly November
Ọnwa AjanaLate November
Ọnwa Ede AjanaLate November to December
Ọnwa Ụzọ AlụsịJanuary to early February
Igbo Months from Ọnwa Mbụ – Ọnwa Ụzọ Alụsị

Igbo Market Names and days

Igbo week (or Izu) comprises of 4 days. Unlike the standard 7-day week. It operates in the same way as the 7-day week that goes from Sunday to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Igbo market days are Eke, Orie, Afọ, and Nkwọ.

These market days and names have significance. Every Igbo person is born on a market day. When a mother is delivered of a child, that child takes its first name from the day they were born. For example, if you were born on Orie day and you are a boy, automatically you are called Okoye, Okoli, or Nwoye. And if you are a girl, you are called Mgborie or Mgboye, depending on your part of Igboland.

If you are a girl and were born on Eke day, automatically, your first name is Mgbeke or Ekegbuo. And if you are a boy, you are named Nweke, or Okeke.

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